Our phones 855-407-3647 are open until 8PM for APPLICATION RELATED QUESTIONS ONLY.
We’re unable to answer cabin assignment questions at the moment.
Your cruise fare will be considered non-refundable upon assignment. We recommend you obtain your required travel insurance immediately to protect you for any covered situations.
When all required forms and documentation for each cabin in your group have been received, your cabins will be assigned. If you are confirmed, our team will email, call and/or text the primary. We will confirm you agree to the protocols, terms and conditions and authorize payment. When it is received, you are a top dog! If you are not accepted, we invite you to apply for our next cruise. Required insurance information will sent after your confirmation.
There is a total pet registration fee of $1,500. This covers the amenities and services provided for pets during the cruise, as well as additional cleaning, staff, and room care. Once accepted as an Inaurgural Charter Passenger and Ambassador, all funds collected are non-refundable. The required travel insurance may assist with any unforseen later events.